diprophar , your pharma solution
Wholesale & distribution
Pharmaceuticals for human & veterinary use

About us
Diprophar is a pharmaceutical wholesale & distribution company. We provide healthcare professionals with a vast range of pharmaceutical products for human use but also veterinary use. More globally we can also take in charge the logistic process of our partners in order to make their products available at the point of care.

We also work with manufacturers in order to take care of the international distribution of some of their products during the pre-registration period and sometimes during a longer period.
We are located in Belgium. A central position in Europe between the Netherlands, France & Germany. In the middle of the main European logistic axes, near several airports, we offer fast and flexible solutions.
Year after year, Diprophar has developed a strong network of suppliers and reliable contacts with the main manufacturers. These daily connections help us to find the right solutions for our clients and their patients.
Focused on service, we want to understand the needs of our clients and deliver the most appropriate solution. Each client deserves a personalized approach.

Diprophar is able to supply its customers, on the condition that they also hold an import licence issued by the health authorities in their countries.
Quality & GDP
Diprophar holds the necessary authorisations for its line of business.
It was granted authorisations for the national trade of medical devices but also for the distribution of medicinal products for human use (under n°1737H) and veterinary use (under n°1737V) by the competent authorities at the Federal Health Service, in compliance with the provisions of the relevant European Directives.
Our IT system ensures a complete traceability of all batches dispatched by the company, with continuous logging of batch numbers and expiry dates.
We are also compliant with the standards of the FMD directive and all our products are scanned in order to detect potential falsifications in the supply chain.
Diprophar works exclusively with suppliers who respect GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and applies GDP (Good Distribution Practice) in the management of its business.
Storage conditions at our depot are continuously monitored in terms of temperature and humidity levels. The products are stored under optimum conditions, according to the manufacturers’ instructions and Federal Health Service.

Pharmaceuticals products don't have the same life cycle in each part of the world. All products are not especially commercially available everywhere at the same time. It might be in shortage, withdrawn from the market or simply not registered. Due to these life cycle differences, healthcare professionals can have difficulties in sourcing the necessary products for their patients.

That is why Diprophar provides healthcare professionals around the globe with medicines that are unlicensed or unavailable at the point of care. We help physicians, pharmacists & patients in getting the treatments they need. Year after year, Diprophar has developed a strong network of suppliers and reliable contacts with the main European manufacturers. We have also developed efficient logistic solutions in order to get the products delivered in a timely way.

Diprophar also works with manufacturers and takes in charge their international distribution in countries where the product is not registered. Our flexibility and reactive logistics allow our partners to already sell their products during the pre-registration period or to cover area's where no registration is planned.
Diprophar is also distributing veterinary medicines and medical devices from the main manufacturers.
Parc d'activités du Grand Hû
Rue des Artisans, 3,